When you come for your initial appointment it is important to bring relative information with you. You will want a list of your medications and herbal supplements and vitamins. If you have had any prior testing such as a cardiac catheterization, cardiac ultrasound, or ct scan it is helpful to bring these records as well if you have them. You can expect your doctor to review the actual images of the tests to provide a detailed interpretation relating to your potential surgery.
Not everyone who sees a cardiothoracic surgeon is a candidate for surgery, and some patients are better served with close follow up or non surgical modalities. These will be discussed at your visit if applicable.
Some patients will be scheduled with a follow up appointment. Once again you will want to bring an updated list of your medications and dosages. The surgeon will go over any intervening follow up tests and discuss your surgery. Feel free to bring any family members for further discussions. Your family and emotional and physical support are a significant contribution to your healing after heart or lung surgery.
Tucson CT Surgery is here to give you compassionate care and advice.
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